segalws » Вт мар 02, 2010 12:42 am
Посмотрел что установенно на старом компе и увидел помимо InTouch еще MBTCP DAServer
Mobicon ModBus Ethernet I/O 7,6,0,0
Можно ли где нибудь скачать эти пакеты?
Ошибка была:
1. Error: "rdbnotfy.c line 263" and "rdbactiv.c line169" (Assertion)
Error: "rdbnotfy.c line 265" and "rdbactv.c line 160" (Assertion)Resolution Summary: Make certain that the target folder is empty before copying an InTouch application to the target.
Resolution Description: Make certain that the target folder is empty before copying an InTouch application to the target. An InTouch application should never be copied on top of another InTouch application.
Resolution Summary: Delete the files with the extensions: .WVW, .AVL, .?BK, .LGH, .IDX and .ALG
Resolution Description: These files can be deleted when the InTouch application is not in use. Do not delete the LGH, IDX and ALG files if you want to include the Historical and Alarm log files in the backup. See Tech Note 145 for more information.
Удалил файлы, он скомпилил новые,перезапустился, и опять вылезла эта же ошибка