To Anna:
"где эта функция находится, чтобы ей воспользоваться )"
LogMessage() Function
Writes a user-defined message to the ArchestrA Log Viewer.
String to log to the Log Viewer. Actual string or message tagname.
This is a very powerful function for troubleshooting InTouch scripting. By strategically placing LogMessage() functions in your scripts, you can determine the order of QuickScript execution, the performance of scripts, and identify the value of tags both before they are changed and after they have been affected by the QuickScript. Each message posted to the Log Viewer is stamped with the exact date and time.
LogMessage("Report Script is Running");
The above statement would print the following to the Log Viewer:
94/01/14 15:21:14 WWSCRIPT Message:Report Script is Running.
LogMessage("The Value of MyTag is " + Text(MyTag, "#"));
MyTag = MyTag + 10;
LogMessage("The Value of MyTag is " + Text(MyTag, "#"));
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Logging Messages to the Log Viewer
Т.о. воспольоваться ей можно в любом скрипте путём вызова LogMessage("Message_Tag");
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