Не лучший вариант импортировать все контролы... лучше уж взять и написать потомка от нужного заодно дописав немного функционала
например нужные вещи вывести в свойства ... события например данные не все возвращают нормально ...
опять же цитата с оф. форума
These impose a few limitations. The most obvious that come to mind are:
Scripting is not capable of catching exceptions. Catch exceptions internally and expose possible exception messages as a string property of the class.
Scripting does not fare well with some data relationships. For instance, it is not possible to do recusive script calls to traverse a hiearchical structure as the nodes collection of a TreeView. The parsing of such data has to be built into the control.
Scripting is, as far as I know, incapable of generics. This means that you have to use explicit datatypes as avoid properties of types like ObservableCollection<T> or List<T>.
As far as I know, only controls inheriting from System.Windows.Forms.Control namespace are valid. Using Windows Presentation Foundation (System.Windows.Controls namespace) is probably out of the picture.