YurBas писал(а):"Error: Failed to deploy WinPlatform_EW : Remote Node's UserId/Password don't match GR Node's.
https://softwaresupportsp.invensys.com/ ... ctp=searchError: "Failed to deploy PlatformX: Remote Node's User Id/Password don't match GR Node's"
Error: Failed to deploy PlatformX: Remote Node's User Id/Password don't match GR Node's
The ArchestrA user account are mixed domain and local accounts
The ArchestrA user account are mixed domain and local accounts. Example: The GR is using a domain account and the remote platform is using a local account. Same name and password, but one is domain the other is local.
ArchestrA account domain type must match; all domain OR all local.
ArchestrA account domain type must match; all domain OR all local. NOTE: Even though name and passwords match, they must also all either be domain accounts OR local accounts (no mixing domain/local in the galaxy nodes).
https://softwaresupportsp.invensys.com/ ... ctp=searchOn Remote node
- Make sure ArchestrA bootstrap is installed correctly.
- Make sure ArchestrA Network Account is configured correctly and listed in Administrators group.
https://softwaresupportsp.invensys.com/ ... ctp=searchError: "Remote Node's UserID/Password don't match GR Node's" when deploying a remote platform.
Verify the LAN Property on the GR node to see if "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks" is checked or not.
Make sure "File and Printer Sharing for Networks" in GR node LAN property is checked.
Make sure "File and Printer Sharing for Networks" in GR node LAN property is checked.
https://softwaresupportsp.invensys.com/ ... ctp=searchISSUE: The customer was trying to get modifications to the managed app deployed to the client. Had to remove the Platform on the GR and now cannot redeploy the GR platform. Getting two errors.
aaPIM could not add folder: CreateDir. Access denied
Failed to deploy remote node user ID does not match GR
CAUSE: The D drive (where Application Server was installed) had the default properties of the files and folders set to Read Only. Special permissions were given to some of the user accounts but not to the ArchestrA account.
RESOLUTION: The customer added the ArchestrA service account to the same permission pool on the D:\Program Files (86)\Archestra folder giving it full permissions. After this change, the customer was able to login to the ArchestrA IDE with the service account and deploy the InTouchViewApp.